Sunday, October 11, 2015

Quite the Week

There is impending grandmother hood, a wedding to plan in a month.  Both items are welcome news and will add the beginning of a new chapter to our collective family's story. That was Monday.
On Tuesday, my 93 year old father was asmitted to the hospital which I did not discover until Wednesday. Dad is over 1000 miles away and I just came back from a visit last Sunday. I knew he had an appoint with his PCP on Tuesday, but never expected him to be admitted to the hospital via the ER that very same day. There are inherent problems with being in your 90s, but I have been truly blessed with a parent who maintains his sense of humor through all of his recent trials. A sense of humor, in my opinion, is one of the most important skills to acquire. It keeps us from taking ourselves too seriously, tends to make us appreciate the important things and can definitely level us when times are tough.
So back to the task at hand-back to the hairdresser today to correct what must have been a slightly out of character mid-life hair crisis yesterday. Did I really think that burgundy highlights would be a good look for me?  Look carefully- they are pretty bright.  I hope they can minimally be toned down a bit today.

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Monday, October 5, 2015

great news!,

Couldn't be more excited!  Sam and Mike are pregnant!  I thought there might be some kind of announce,met tonight, but asn't sure it would be this!
End of April is the due date. I think the 30th.  Lots of planning, knitting and perhaps a wedding thrown in there.
Wow- I truly have something to blog about...

Sunday, March 1, 2015

I have noticed, in this advanced age of ours, that GH (Great Husband) has become increasingly obsessed about some possessions. Most recently it has become bed linens; 800 thread-count, 1200 thread-count, 1500 thread-count......single-ply, weight.  Who knew there were so many options. And, it continues- we now do not launder the top sheet.  That gets sent out so that our dry cleaner will press it. He admits to being full of sheet.
I will admit that I do love climbing into our bed.  (It is tall, so "climb" is the right word.). We have the mattress topper, multiple coverlets, and in this frigid northeast winter, it beckons to us pretty early in the evening.
Today there is more snow in the forecast. Still multiple feet on the ground-there has been so much cold weather that none has melted. When I looked outside this morning, a saying that my mother would always repeat when this particular condition presented itself came immediately to mind. "Red sky in morning; sailors take warning..."